What is RRN Certified Training?

22nd May 2023

The RRN (Restraint Reduction Network) is a registered charity of network organisations dedicated to reducing the need of restrictive practices when caring for people with learning disabilities. They bring together committed organisations providing education, health, and social care services. 

They provide certification so that PBS Facilitators and tutors are teaching evidenced based ethical techniques to their clients. The 2021 Use of Force Act requires that certain healthcare settings require that we as “training providers must be certified as complying with the RNN Training Standards.’ 


What are Restrictive Practices?

When caring for vulnerable people, restrictive practices are still alarmingly common. Instead of using PBS techniques or giving the individual space, they are often restrained or subdued in ways that harm their development and are unnecessary in modern ethical healthcare. 

When an individual with learning difficulties becomes agitated or stressed, which can lead to aggression or other challenging behaviour, restraining them only makes the situation worse, and often leads to injury of both staff and the individual being restrained.  Not forgetting, the consequential harm regarding the individuals cognitive and emotional health and development. Unethical restraint has led to multiple deaths of individuals, which is one final reason why it should never be used. 


Alternatives to Restrictive Practices

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) PBS methods are proven to be more effective for calming individuals and preventing behaviour that impacts on the individuals quality of life. Restraint is a last resort option, and PBS methods can help the caregiver do it safely and without harming the individual.

To find out more about these methods, we have a page all about PBS techniques and courses run by certified PBS Facilitators too. 


What are the RNN Training Standards? 

The RNN Training Standards are a national and international benchmark for training in caring for people with learning difficulties. They are commissioned by the NHS and aim to improve the overall culture of care, not just presenting new techniques. 

The Standards are person-centred and should be tailored around the individual. The PBS training courses develop an understanding of the individual’s needs before any guidance is offered to ensure that the PBS Facilitator’s support is the best it can be. 


RNN Certified Training Courses

Guardian Angels’ training courses for PBS Facilitators, PBS Coaches, and staff working with individuals whose behaviour impacts their quality of life are all RNN-certified and approved by medical and legal professionals.

Our training courses always focus on positive behaviour support and the evidenced based proven “non-touch” solutions to behaviour, however, we understand that there are times that staff are required to use physical skills to keep the individual or others safe, and so we offer a range of solutions to meet your specific individual needs.

Typical courses range from 2 to 5 days depending upon local needs and requirements.

Courses include:

  • PBS Plans and Strategies (Functional perspectives of behaviour)
  • PBS Facilitation and Coaching
  • Implementing Person-Centred Active Support and positive Approaches to Behaviour (Practical tools to aid positive behaviour support planning)
  • Safer De‑escalation (Scenario-based situations to assess why the person is behaving / communicating in a way that impacts their quality of life)
  • Personal Safety and Disengagement (Physical intervention and release techniques)
  • Redirection and Guiding
  • Safer Holding
  • Pods and cushions


Foundation - 2 day course for low to medium risk environments

Intermediate - 3 or 4 day course for medium to high risk environments 

Advanced - 5 day course for high risk environments (often forensic or locked services)

We work with our customers to conduct a full training needs analysis which will guide our recommendation and your commissioning of the appropriate course.