Complex Care Training

Many adults and children with complex care needs are now being supported within care settings. Only a few years ago they would likely have been cared for in a hospital setting due to their complex needs, however as hospital beds become more scarce, this is not always possible. This change has led to a necessity for support workers, personal assistants and nurses to receive complex care training. Here at Guardian Angels Training we have developed a package of complex care training courses and competency assessments that can be delivered individualised to the persons medical and social needs. Courses can also be tailored to the individual setting/circumstance, whether this is as an individual employer, case management, home care provider, residential or nursing home.

Complex Care Needs

Examples Complex Care Needs include individuals, both adults and children, that have an, or require support with:

  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Bowel and Bladder
  • PEG / PEJ
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Suction
  • Tracheostomy
  • Ventilator

Who we Help

We have provided bespoke complex care training and development for individuals with a diverse range of conditions and requirements. We work with care providers, families, and individual employers to ensure a high level of support and care to both adults and children with complex care needs:

  • Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
  • NHS Trusts
  • Social Services
  • Education and School Authorities
  • Insurance Companies and Solicitors
  • Case Management Providers
  • Individual Employers
  • Personal Health Budget (PHB) Brokers

Our Expertise

Our team of fully qualified and experienced nurse educators and trainers ensure that we deliver safe, effective and relevant learning and development to individuals who are caring for and supporting those with complex care needs. We also provide additional support regarding competency assessment and testing within the workplace. Following our learning and development courses, if you are not able to source nurses from the local NHS trust to assess competency for various clinical skills such as Tracheostomy Care, PEG Care, Ventilator Care, Catheter or Bowel Care, then we can discuss providing further support in this area. We provide competency assessments, overseen by our specialist nurses who work alongside your team members, undertaking clinical shifts with the individuals in your care, until they are deemed safe, competent and confident enough to practice unsupervised. All of our specialist nurse educators have current NMC Pin Numbers and active DBS checks in place as well as Professional Indemnity Insurance protection.

Complex Care Training Modules include:


Airway Management Training -


Assisted cough training:

  • Familiarisation of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
  • Indications and contraindications for assisted coughing
  • The procedure and associated risks of assisted cough

Non-invasive Ventilation (NIV) Training:

  • Discuss the mechanics of respiration and recognise respiratory distress
  • Outline the indications for non-invasive ventilation (NIV)
  • Explain the role of NIV in the management of respiratory failure
  • Recognise the absolute and relative contraindications in patient selection
  • Risk assess, maintain equipment and manage patient care (IPAP : EPAP pressures) in relation to NIV therapy in the community
  • Demonstrate setting up, promoting compliance and administering NIV and oxygen entrainment (if prescribed) using onsite equipment
  • Outline the monitoring, duration and weaning and documentation associated with NIV therapy
  • Discuss trouble shooting problems and potential solutions

Tracheostomy Training:

  • Types of tracheostomy
  • Requirement for a tracheostomy
  • Tracheostomy and suction
  • Importance of Stoma Care in relation to tracheostomy
  • Cleaning of a Stoma and the changing of dressings
  • Changing a tracheostomy inner cannula
  • Resuscitation with a tracheostomy
  • Practise with a manikin
  • Managing complications
  • Importance of documentation and consent
  • Awareness of privacy and dignity

Suctioning Training (Nasal, Oral, and Tracheal Suction):

  • Anatomy and physiology of the upper airway and respiratory system
  • Indications for Nasal, Oral and Tracheostomy suction
  • Contraindications and risks relevant to suctioning
  • Equipment required for safe and effective suctioning
  • Infection Prevention and Control relevant to suctioning
  • Evidenced Based Practice Procedure for Suctioning
  • Observations and monitoring
  • Emergency Management
  • Legal and ethical issues including consent, best interest, care planning and documentation


Condition Specific - 


Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and / or Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) training:

  • The basics of the Brain, Spinal Cord and the Central Nervous System
  • The types and causes of Acquired Brain Injuries and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • The physical, psychological and social effects of Acquired Brain Injuries and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Practical strategies and management to overcome the effects of ABI and SCI

Autonomic Dysreflexia training:

  • Understand Autonomic Dysreflexia
  • Understand the causes of Autonomic Dysreflexia
  • Understand the importance of prompt management of Autonomic Dysreflexia
  • Have a knowledge of medication for effective management
  • Understand the key care implications for Autonomic Dysreflexia

People Handling / Manual Handling for Individuals affected by an Acquired Brain Injury and / or Spinal Cord Injury:

  • Anatomy and Physiology relevant to People and Manual Handling
  • Relevant Legislation (MHOR, LOLER)
  • Care Planning and Risk Assessments
  • Principles of Safe Handling
  • Ergonomics, Biomechanics and Posture
  • The Handling of People Principles and Techniques
  • People Handling Equipment being used (Hoist, Slings, Chairs, Beds, Wheelchair, Bathing Hoist)

Pressure area care and tissue viability training for Complex Care Individuals:

  • Understand what is meant by a pressure ulcer
  • Identify who is at risk
  • State the causes of pressure ulcers
  • Identify pressure areas of the body
  • Describe the stages of a pressure ulcer
  • Understand how to manage a pressure ulcer


Elimination Training - 


Bowel management training following a spinal cord injury:

  • Understand normal & Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) bowel function (flaccid and spastic bowel)
  • Understand the importance of maintaining bowel regime
  • Have a knowledge of medication for effective bowel management
  • Understand how to manually evacuate the lower bowel (Digital Rectal Stimulation and Digital Rectal Manual Evacuation)

Catheter care training for Complex Care Individuals and those with a Spinal Cord Injury and/or Acquired Brain Injury:

  • Understand why catheters are used
  • Understand drainage systems
  • Be able to care for urinary catheters
  • Be able to prevent infection of the urinary tract
  • Be able to obtain specimens
  • Obtain knowledge on removal of catheter

Guardian Angels Training will provide the necessary competency proformas required to ensure safe and evidenced-based clinical practice following completion of our complex care training courses. This will then allow the Registered Provider to ensure mandatory competency assessments are completed within the workplace by a nominated mentor/supervisor. If you need further advice regarding competency assessments, or if you would like our Registered Nurse Trainers to provide onsite competency assessments, then please do contact us.

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