PMVA Training - Prevention Management Of Violence Aggression

"Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services"

PMVA Training Course Description

Our Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services training course has been specifically developed for Mental Health and Learning Disability Settings and meets the national NHS syllabus. This training course is one of many specialist physical intervention and physical restraint training courses that our expert trainers deliver.

This PMVA training course, Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services is intended to be an introductory level course suitable for anyone working in Mental Health or Learning Disability Settings and is delivered over two days.

PMVA Training Course Duration

Two days

PMVA Training Course Syllabus

  • Aggression in mental health and learning disability settings
  • Non-verbal de-escalation, verbal strategies and conflict resolution styles
  • Functional and dysfunctional coping strategies
  • Prevention strategies v’s Reactive strategies
  • Responsibilities in relation to legal, ethical and moral frame works regarding the use of force
  • Risk management interventions
  • Breakaway, Disengagement, and Restraint - and the related risks
  • Secure safe holding techniques that do not initiate or incorporate pain or punishment tools

The benefits of attending our Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services training course include:

  • meets the key principles as laid out by the NHS Security Management Service
  • promotes an explicit values base of a caring service and relevant professional ethics
  • demonstrates a focus on issues of diversity and anti-oppressive practice
  • integrates Primary, Secondary and Tertiary prevention strategies not just crisis management skills
  • identifies the dimensions and practice of staff support before and after incidents of violence
  • identifies the dimensions and practice of service user support before and after incidents of violence

To discuss your conflict management training requirements then please complete the contact us form or alternatively telephone or email our friendly team today.