RRN Certified Training Course | BILD Association of Certified Training (BILD ACT)



Are you looking for Restraint training that is compliant with Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards and certified by BILD Association of Certified Training (BILD-ACT)?

Through our professional partnership with PMVA Association, Guardian Angels now ensures that its customers benefit from RRN Certified Training.   

The benefit of this professional relationship means that this partnership can offer our customers a range of instructors with different professional backgrounds to meet the needs of our customers and the individuals they care for. 

Instructor professional qualifications included Registered Adult Nurses, Registered Children's Nurses, Registered Mental Health Nurses as well as NHS Violence Reduction Specialists & Reducing Restrictive Practice Leads. 

The PMVA Associates training model ensures that RRN training courses comply with the RRN Standards and are individually designed around your local needs analysis and range from 1 day introduction to managing behaviour that impacts on the individual’s quality of life (primary responses), all the way to 5 day advanced courses that include primary, secondary and tertiary responses such as conflict management, de-escalation, positive behaviour support, personal safety, breakaway and restraint / restrictive practices. 


About the RRN

The RRN (Restraint Reduction Network) is a registered charity of network organisations dedicated to reducing the need of restrictive practices when caring for people with learning disabilities. They bring together committed organisations providing education, health, and social care services. 

They provide certification so that PBS Facilitators and tutors are teaching evidenced based ethical techniques to their clients. The 2021 Use of Force Act requires that certain healthcare settings require that we as “training providers must be certified as complying with the RRN Training Standards.’ 


What are Restrictive Practices?

When caring for vulnerable people, restrictive practices are still alarmingly common. Instead of using PBS techniques or giving the individual space, they are often restrained or subdued in ways that harm their development and are unnecessary in modern ethical healthcare. 

When an individual with learning difficulties becomes agitated or stressed, which can lead to aggression or other challenging behaviour, restraining them only makes the situation worse, and often leads to injury of both staff and the individual being restrained.  Not forgetting, the consequential harm regarding the individuals cognitive and emotional health and development. Unethical restraint has led to multiple deaths of individuals, which is one final reason why it should never be used. 


Alternatives to Restrictive Practices

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and conflict management / de-escalation methods are proven to be effective for preventing and reducing individual behaviour that impacts on the individuals quality of life. Restraint is a last resort option, that needs to be legally justified, PBS and other non-physical methods can often reduce the risk without the need for physical interventions. 

To find out more about these methods, we have a page all about PBS techniques and courses run by certified PBS Facilitators too. 


What are the RRN Training Standards? 

The RRN Training Standards are a national and international benchmark for training in caring for people with learning difficulties. They are commissioned by the NHS and aim to improve the overall culture of care, not just presenting new techniques. 

The Standards are person-centred and should be tailored around the individual. The PBS training courses develop an understanding of the individual’s needs before any guidance is offered to ensure that the PBS Facilitator’s support is the best it can be. 


RRN Certified Training Courses

The training courses for PBS Facilitators, PBS Coaches, and staff working with individuals whose behaviour impacts their quality of life use the PMVA Associates module which is RRN-certified and approved by medical and legal professionals.

The training courses focus on positive behaviour support and the evidenced based proven “non-touch” solutions to behaviour, however, we understand that there are times that staff are required to use physical skills to keep the individual or others safe, and so we offer a range of solutions to meet your specific individual needs.

Typical courses range from 1 to 5 days depending upon local needs and requirements.


Courses include:

  • PBS Plans and Strategies (Functional perspectives of behaviour)
  • PBS Facilitation and Coaching
  • Implementing Person-Centred Active Support and positive Approaches to Behaviour (Practical tools to aid positive behaviour support planning)
  • Safer De‑escalation (Scenario-based situations to assess why the person is behaving / communicating in a way that impacts their quality of life)
  • Personal Safety and Disengagement (Physical intervention and release techniques)
  • Redirection and Guiding
  • Safer Holding
  • Pods and cushions


Outline of courses*:

LevelDurationEnvironment and public health model Brief course summary
Introduction1 day coursePrimary Interventions suitable for low risk environments Verbal & non-verbal (non-touch) techniques
Foundation2 day coursePrimary and Secondary Interventions suitable for low to medium risk environmentsVerbal & non-verbal (non-touch) techniques, disengaging from low to medium risk physical hold - wrist, clothes, hair etc.
Intermediate3 or 4 day coursePrimary, Secondary and Tertiary Interventions suitable Medium for high risk environments

Verbal & non-verbal (non-touch) techniques, disengaging from low to medium risk physical hold - wrist, clothes, hair etc., disengaging from physical holds that are perceived to present a risk of significant harm


Advanced5 day coursePrimary, Secondary and Tertiary Interventions suitable for high risk environments (often forensic or locked services)Verbal & non-verbal (non-touch) techniques, disengaging from low to medium risk physical hold - wrist, clothes, hair etc., disengaging from physical holds that are perceived to present a risk of significant harm, teamwork interventions, escape and rescue interventions, seclusion and segregation, UK Safety Pod and Cushions
SpecialistBased on needs analysis Service and need specific interventions, justified hierarchy of interventions 

Specialist courses include:

Secure escort

Clinical Intervention Holds

Handcuff and Softcuff

Trauma informed care



* Please remember that we work with our customers to conduct a full training needs analysis which will guide our recommendation and your commissioning of the appropriate courses and instructor. 


Our PMVA Training Model


Our Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) training specific to health and care settings uses the PMVA Associates training module.  

PMVA Associates has been certified by the BILD Association of Certified Training as compliant with the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards.  

All of our Senior trainers have been approved by PMVA Associates and are listed as Senior Trainers on the BILD ACT Register and have direct experience of mental health (forensic, CAMHS, Eating Disorders etc. and learning disabilities.